CWA 24 was published in July 2007 and contained articles on the Palaeoindian site of Folsom -North America’s most famous site, the…
The story of Folsom, the site that played a revolutionary role in the debate on the antiquity of humans in America…
Michael Rice writes of 30 year's work creating a raft of museums for Saudi Arabia.…
The latest thinking on the earliest known modern human material found in the Oase Cave in the Romanian Carpathian…
Archaeologists trace 15,000 year old rock art sites at Qurta…
Household items provide a new picture of Pompeii's past…
Modern 3D computer technology…
A missive on the archaeology of slavery in senegal, Gambia and Guinea Bissau…
Richard Hodges visits the monastery of San Sebastiano with Lisa Fentress to investigate its date…
City of the Sharp-Nosed Fish Peter Parsons Weidenfeld and Nicholson, £20.00 While wandering through the gloomy, overstuffed galleries of Cairo’s Egyptian Museum…
God’s Gold Sean Kingsley, John Murray, £25.00 (HB), £9.99 (PB) In AD 70, the Roman Emperor Titus finally conquered the Jews and…