
CWA 117

Constantinople came with a problem. This ‘new Rome’ served as Constantine the Great’s imperial capital and held a commanding position on the…


CWA 113

Caesar’s Forum was a bold concept. Constructed next to the Roman Forum – the beating heart of public life – Julius Caesar’s…



Roughly 1,000 years ago, the finishing touches were being made to a rectangular length of fabric. At first glance, the textile resembles…


CWA 110

The fame of the Incas often eclipses other ancient societies that flourished in Peru. These dazzling groups rose and fell at various…


A feline find

A geoglyph has been discovered on a hillside in the Nazca desert of Peru during the emergency project ‘Cleaning, Conservation and Restoration…


Tambo Viejo

Excavating remarkable Inca rituals After the Acari Valley was absorbed by the Inca Empire, Tambo Viejo was founded to oversee its inhabitants.…


CWA 98

Tutankhamun ruled in interesting times. His father, Akhenaten, had upended Egyptian society by venerating the sun and founding a new capital at…


CWA 95

The mysterious images on the Nasca plateau, Peru, have captured countless imaginations. But where did this tradition of planting pictures in the…



When the Spanish conquistador Hernando Pizarro arrived at Pachacamac, Peru, in January 1533, he had before him one of the jewels of…


Inca Gold at Pacopampa

Archaeologists investigating the Late Formative Period temple complex at Pacopampa (featured in CWA 75) discovered Inca offerings deposited more than 1,000 years…